Geometry Dash Blender is an Easy Demon solo 2.0 created by Codex. This is the first Demon level ever created.
Exploring the complex map
The level starts with a relatively straightforward cube section followed by an straightforward ball section. The words "Watch Out!" appear on the screen. The difficulty increases as the player enters the three-speed robot section. A relatively annoying ship section ensues, featuring gravity gates, teleportation gates, and straight flight paths. The player then enters the UFO section, which contains a large number of objects. The character will change size constantly during this section. The player continues the level with a simple cube section. The words "Keep Going!" appear on the screen. The level ends with an extremely difficult robot section involving precise timings.
To collect the first coin, the player needs to collect the key in the first ball section at 6%. The first user coin is in the Shia letter block section, at 10%. Players just need to click on the yellow orb and collect it.
The second coin is at 34%. After clicking on the first green sphere, the player moves into the route containing the second coin. After getting the coin, the player can return to the normal route using a blue pad.
To collect the third coin, the player needs to get the key in the second robot segment. The final coin is located at 71% in the second ship segment.