Geometry Dash Mechanical Showdown

Geometry Dash Mechanical Showdown

Geometry Dash Mechanical Showdown is a Medium Demon level created by Tongii. It is the third level in the Demon Gauntlet, after Traction and before Vibration.

The level starts with a normal speed cube section with some fake orbs. The player then transitions to a double-speed ship section with many moving obstacles. Next, the player will proceed through a triple-speed ball and double-cube section. The player then continues into a triple-speed wave section with many moving obstacles.

The player then transitions into a challenging mini-UFO section with many spiked, moving obstacles. After the ship, the player will enter an extremely challenging robot section where one of the robots will soon transform into a cube. The level ends with a half-speed cube section.

Coin guides

  • The first coin is located at 4% in the cube part. The player should not jump onto the platform but instead hit the blue jump orb off-screen to avoid the obstacles, then jump to collect the coin.
  • The second coin is located at 72% in the small ship section and is triggered by a trigger at 51% in the fast-paced wave section. The player must fly into a narrow passage to reach the location of the key.
  • The third coin is located at 94% in the final UFO section. The player needs to go under a platform and enter a narrow passage in a pillar where the coin is placed.