Spider Way

Spider Way

Help the spider in Spider Way climb to the highest possible position. This game will definitely impress you with its new mechanics. Are you ready to experience this unique journey?

How does the spider in Spider Way move?

In reality, spiders can easily move from one place to another. However, in this game, your spider can only move by its own silk. It uses silk to cling to objects on the way and then slowly climbs and slides on them. Keep doing this until it reaches the highest point. The player needs to help the spider avoid the swamps on the way. If the spider becomes stuck in the swamp, the player will have to restart.


  • Hold down the left mouse button twice to help the spider climb higher.
  • Press the right mouse button to hang and stop. When the spider is hanging, move it left or right by pressing the A or D key.
  • Press the spacebar to release.