Trap the Cat

Trap the Cat

Trap the Cat is an engaging puzzle game in which the player builds a barrier to prevent the cat from escaping the playing field.

The game's rules

After pressing the start button, the player will see small squares appear on the screen. A black cat is displayed in the middle of the screen. The player will click on these squares to create barriers to trap the cat. The player cannot interact with the already fenced black squares. With each click of your mouse, the black cat will move. This black cat is extremely smart. It always tries to find an effective way to escape. To prevent the cat from moving, you must create a barrier with black squares.

Tips and tricks

First, the player should move before the black cat moves. For instance, if the black cat advances to the fourth square, ensure you click on the third and fifth squares. This will help prevent the black cat from moving forward.

Second, don't click on the tiles directly in front of the cat. Players should click on tiles one or two rows away from the cat to ensure that you can catch it no matter which direction it goes.